A range of beautifully lit stalactite caverns, nice river walk, restaurant and a small playground with a carousel. Baar (Switzerland).
Final verdict: Recommended (4/5)
The it factor: 4/5
These caves are a fantastic idea for a half a day adventure. Our little one was very impressed with the fairytale feel (thanks to the beautiful LED lights) of the caverns. The little playground at the restaurant is quite small though and the carousel requires coins to operate.
The fun factor: 4/5
After a short walk along the river and a small climb through the forest, you reach an entry into a different world. The caves are lit with colorful lights, giving them a magical feel. You can imagine with your child you are entering a fairy tale and make this exploration into a real adventure.
The caves are just the right size - not too long for small children to get bored, long enough to make it worth the trip. You can also explore them at your own pace.
The playground at the restaurant is quite limited - just one slide and a carousel which requires 1 CHF to operate.
The short walk from the parking to the caves and the caves to the restaurant is quite charming. You can also extend it if you feel like enjoying the nature a little bit more.
The unique factor: 4/5

These caves are one of the youngest - "only" 3000 years old. They are definitely beautiful but cave-professionals probably would choose older ones to explore.
What makes these one great though, is that they can be freely explored. I find that going through caves with a "stop - start" guide can get boring for kids. Here you will learn less but you can set your own pace and tell your own stories to the child.
Finally, lights give the caves less academic and more magical feel. Great to keep kids engaged.
The food factor: 4/5
There is a small bar with drinks and ice-cream just next to the ticket shop and a restaurant next to the parking. The restaurant offers traditional food selection with some healthy choices. There are also lovely picnic spots on the way, if you prefer to bring your own food.
Practical info

35 min from Zurich
Ideal for kids 3 years +
GPS address: Lorzendamm 28, 6340 Baar (from Lorzendamm follow the road for approx. 3 km through the forest)
No strollers in the caves
There are 2 caves to explore - here is the map.
Great to combine with a walk along the river and visit to the playground & restaurant
More info here